Cats Museum Kft – Budapest
The only free museum in Budapest
In the historic center of Budapest, near the central Deak Ferenc ter and the Great Synagogue, is the Cats Museum kft located in the immediate vicinity of the famous Hotel Astoria.
Its main purpose is to promote love and respect for animals and nature to the public visitor.
We wanted to convey this message to the cat, which is the most common pet present in most homes.
Through its exhibition itinerary, the museum offers a path in which the relationship between the cat and man intersects through a long journey undertaken in the various civilizations up to us.
In the internal space, arranged on two floors, works from different eras concerning the cat are exhibited (antique books, coins, medals, paintings, engraving, manuscripts, vintage advertising material and postcards, musical scores, graphic art nouveau, vintage material intended for teaching, board games and many other curiosities and memorabilia).
Most of these works come from the Badoer fund in Venice, more precisely from the Centro Internazionale Adozione Gatti “Badoer” in San Giovanni Evangelista.
But to this initial nucleus, now shared with the Cattaro office in Montenegrin Dalmatia, various private donations have been added to which targeted purchases have been added.
In fact, as far as possible, we are always available to purchase works that are proposed or reported to us.
Among the most interesting works we can highlight:
– “girl feeding a cat” by the Tuscan painter Francesco Piattoli (1703 – 1773).
– cycle of 6 engraving taken from the Thesauro Philo-Politico (1623) by the bohemian engraver Daniel Meisner (1585 – 1625) which depict the views of the cities of: Bergen (Norway), Ostend (Flanders), Iula (Alba Julia in Hungary Transylvania ), Bonn, St. Johansberg am Rhein and Lichtenberg.
– “the death of the cat Mur” lithograph made by King Fernando II of Portugal (1816 -1885).
– a poem dedicated, printed in 1777 to the cat of Count Josef Wilzeck, Maria Theresa’s ambassador in Naples.
– a collection of engravings by the swiss painter Gottfried Mind (1768 – 1814) known as Raffaello of the Cats.
Of particular success among visitors are the section dedicated to black cats, witches, the cat in the First World War, philately and greeting cards, as well as the section dedicated to the first International Feline Exhibitions and associations for the protection of animals and the environment.
At the end of the itinerary there is a small showroom where visitors can admire a selection of souvenirs of our exclusive production.
Most of which are utility items such as tea towels, books, notebooks, notes and bookmarks complemented by a wide choice of over 200 different types of magnets dedicated to the cat.
Despite being the most recent museum in Budapest, several tourist guides have already included it in their thematic tours, recommending a visit not only to families but also to small groups.
We also want to clarify that we are not a cat cafe or a cat therapy center but only a museum facility.
For a greater dissemination of the cause in favor of animals, admission to the museum is totally free and is open all year round in the afternoon.

the most characteristic souvenir of Rome
is official partner of the Cats Museum Kft – Budapest